Unclaimed medals & trophies

23 Aug 2015 by Nikki Wilesmith

Thanks everyone for a great presentation day yesterday. We had a big turnout & thanks to everyone who brought along food & also helped early yesterday morning setting up & those who stayed behind & helped pack up & clean up.
Here is a list of medals & trophies that I have for children who did not attend yesterday. They will be available to pick up from TUESDAY at EnerQi. Please come & collect them:

Molly Bourke
Mason MacLean
Riley Murfett
Ryan Brown
Imogen Sleeman
John Metcalf-McDermott
Charlotte Ovenden
Amellia Metcalf-McDermott
Mackenzie Mills
Amellia Murray

If you did not attend & your child’s name is not listed above, please check personally with your child’s coach as they may have them still.