
Tumba-Batlow Xmas Party

Sat, 21 Dec 2013

by Nikki Wilesmith
Posted: about 11 years ago
Updated: about 11 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Sydney
Reminder: 1 day before

We invite all players, parents, families & sponsors to come to the Tumba-Batlow Minor League Christmas Party to be held at the Tumbarumba Golf Club, Saturday 21st December starting from 6 pm. The Minor League will provide the meat & we kindly ask families to bring along a salad &/or sweets to share. There will be a disco & Santa for the kids! Please RSVP by 19th December with the number of people you are bringing, in particular kids (for Santa present) & also what you are bringing as a salad or dessert. You can RSVP below on this page, email Nikki
Or call or Text: 0427238064
We would love to see as many of our families as possible!


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